Moonshine Prefilled/ Disposable Refrigerant Dye Cartridges

Moonshine Prefilled/ Disposable Refrigerant Dye Cartridges
Use our concentrated UV dye with ultra-flourescing flashlight to perform a fast, easy, mess-free leakdown test.                                                    
Moonshine™ Prefilled/ Disposable Refrigerant Dye Cartridges
  • Universal OEM approved dye formula
  • Cleanest, easiest and fastest method of injection
  • No refrigerant to inject dye
  • 4 sizes to match capacity of system
  • Eliminate air entering system
  • Eliminates over-injection of dye
  • All dyes include I.D. labels
  • All MoonShine dye meets SAE J2297 standard

AC System Size
For Refrigerant Charge Size
Refrigerant Oil
MoonShine™ Refrigerant Dye Squeeze Cartridges (Qty. 6)
Ice machines, window AC units, autos, refrigerators
Up to 2.9 lbs.
(1.3 kg)
Up to 15 oz
(.44 L)
UVS101 (Gold)
Residential systems
3 to 4.9 lbs.
(1.4 to 2.2 kg)
16 oz to 1.6 qt.
(.45 to 1.8 L)
UVS1 (Purple)
Light commercial and large residential systems
5 to 9.9 lbs.
(2.3 to 4.5 kg)
1.7qt. to 3.2 qt.
(1.9 to 3.7 L)
UVS2 (Orange)
Commercial and light industrial, including all split systems
10 to 25 lbs.
(4.6 to 11.4 kg)
3.3 qt. to 2 gal.
(3.8 to 9.1 L)

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